Sunday, April 19, 2009


I've decided that certain goals aren't that important to me or they've run their course if they were to be for the entire 101 days. Life changes, feelings change, needs it makes sense to me to have my goals change as well.

Goal 38 is now complete in my book. I have my relationship with God that I'm comfortable with. I talk to him as needed and I don't feel I need to start feeling like this is a chore. So it's off my list.

Goal 22 has to change as well since there are not gyms that offer a boot camp here. I will instead be getting some DVD's I've been wanting as rewards for my weight loss!

Goal 93 honestly any one that knows me knows this will be impossible. So I'm going to make it to where I enjoy one evening/afternoon/morning off the computer. I love all my friends to go a total 24 hours unless I don't have service.

Goal 61 I'm changing it since honestly now I could care less about snorkeling since I don't live near the ocean. I will now have it to learn a new sport or activity I normally wouldn't do.

Goal 23 I'm changing it from a foreign language to a second language since sign can be my second language!

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